Вставь was или were и прочитай. It Vicky's tenth birthday. She In the garden. Her friends In the gar

Автор Вероника, Апр. 23, 2024, 23:08

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Требуются пояснения насчёт. Вставь was или were и прочитай. It Vicky's tenth birthday. She In the garden. Her friends In the garden too. The day ______ nice. The trees_____green. Her mother and father_______ in the house. We______in the park. I______at home

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Was/Were - это формы глагола to be в прошедшем времени. Was используется с местоимениями I, he, she, it; were употребляется с местоимениями you, we, they.

It was Vicky's tenth birthday. She was in the garden. Her friends were in the garden too. The day was nice. The trees were green. Her mother and father were in the house. We were in the park. I was at home.